En 1969 Wendy Carlos publia "Switched
on bach " le premier
disque 33 tours utilisant uniquement le synthétiseur modulaire
Moog ,
ce dernier figure sur la pochette et est cité dans le
titre .
Pour la première fois des
oeuvres "classique" sont interprétées entiérement
au synthétiseur ,
c'est une révolution dans la pratique
de la musique électrique à l'époque très
centrée sur
l'utilisation des guitares / basse / orgue electronique .
Le synthétiseur passe alors de "machine à effet sonore
"à instrument de musique à part entière .
favorisa également beaucoup l'essort de la marque Moog .
Le succés de cet album fût tel qu'un très grand
nombre de disques " labelisés Moog " furent produits .
Voici la
plupart d'entre eux .
In 1969, Wendy Carlos released
" Switched on bach " what was to be the very first LP record
fully performed with a Moog modular synthesizer.
The name of which appeared in the
title and was pictured on the LP jacket.
For the very first time, classical
scores were performed on a sound
synthesizer only.
This was a revolution in the realm
of electric music which was mainly
focusing on the use of electric guitars,
bass guitars and electronic
From that moment, the sound
synthesizer saw its status changed from
that of a weird sound effect device to that of a genuine music instrument.
This helped a lot in the
development of the Moog company.
Besides, the success of this LP
record was such that a great number of
other LP records with the
Moog label on them were released.
Following most of these.